Last weekend the workmen had just burnt off the inside lines of paint on Middlewood Street, but when I walked past the Armadillos had yet to be installed. Meantime
TfGM were clearly keen on the idea.
So this weekend I went for a walk to see if they had been installed...
As I approached it became clear that there was something very wrong.
One Armadillo was on the pavement, a second was in the middle of the cycle lane,
and a third had been smashed into three pieces.
The one in the cycle lane was intact,
but the one on the pavement had also suffered damage.
There were also some bolts lying in the cycle lane.
In order to try to reduce the danger by putting the detached armadillos and the bolts into the scrub by the side of the pavement where they could do no further damage.
This passing rider clearly demonstrated how safe he thought the lane was by sticking very firmly to the road.
Salford council are clearly keen to hear our views on this....
This instalation has proved just how useless these armadillos are. If they cannot survive for one week in this situation then they are totally unacceptable on schemes like Oxford Road.
Furthermore the
experience in Camden is that they also fail to protect the cycle lane from parking vehicles.
I hope TfGM have learnt the lessons from this and avoid cheap and nasty cycle infrastructure.
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