This morning I cycled along the route and found that the contractors are now digging up the cycle track by Victoria Station.
The result is you are now forced onto the pavement.
Let's hope Operation Grimwald don't decide to stage a sting operation here...
Corporation Street is closed to motor vehicles between Hanover Street and St Mary's Gate/Market Street for the new tram works.
However, it is still open for cycling!
Cycles travelling south are sent right down into the car park, then left towards the tram tracks.
This contractor's van was blocking the way...
Then left again onto Todd Street where you rejoin the traffic and there is a set of traffic lights.
Through the lights you are back onto Corporation Street,
and past the traffic lights you can still get along Corporation Street
the route is well signed
and takes you all the way to the junction with Market street.
Despite all the signage some car drivers clearly can't see where they are going. This pair wend the wrong way down St Mary's Gate...
Bloody drivers!!
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even the bits where they have left the road open seem to be used as a staff car park for the builders now.. :(