From here it is a short distance to Irwell River Park: Part 1 - River Park Quays and Irwell River Park: Part 2 - River Park Central and this links to this post - Bridgewater Way resurfacing preview - Pomona Strand to Castlefield.
There is a cobbled slope down to the towpath on the north bank of the canal.
The canal heads under the road junction and close to Old Trafford.
These barriers mark the location of the Old Trafford Supporters' Club.
On match days I suspect this area is crowded with inebriated fans, but on this occasion it was fairly quiet.
The path is then quite wide and uninterrupted for a while.
However, there are places where it narrows.
I had a boat for company on this ride.
Another narrowing looked like the remains of a tree stump.
There are rises in the path under some of the bridges.
This is the exit onto Europa Gate, the end point of Bridgewater Way, Mosley Rd to Europa Gate via Watersmeet.
Under the disused railway bridge.
Just past there is a new exit to Fraser Place
and new signs....
The last section of path
leads to the bridge at Water's Meet.
From here the options are south or west.