The access to this point from Old Mill Street is very poor at the moment because of the building works.
Once on the towpath the going gets a lot better. Just ahead and to the left is the former course of the Islington Branch, now a marina.
Past the lifting bridge are the new blocks of flats.
Once under under Carruthers Street, the path becomes rougher.
As you approach the bridge under Beswick Street the MERCi building is on the opposite bank.
The path surface improves beyond and after Cambrian Street, curves to the right
then after the low bridge under New Viaduct Street and the railway the path turns to the left and the football stadium comes into view.
Now there is a further flight of locks. The path up the first one is good,
but the second and third both have steep cobbled surfaces and are best walked on a small-wheeled bike.
At the next bridge the canal passes under the Alan Turing Way.
After the bridge, turn left onto the cycle track. Here NCN 86 carries on into Philip's Park and NCN 60 now joins from the Alan Turing Way. Turn left again off the cycle track and back onto the canal towpath.
The path surface is less smooth now, but still tarmaced.
You can't miss the bridge over to the velodrome.
At this point in the ride I was joined by Ian Tate, who's back now features in many of the following photographs.This point in the path, just after the Velodrome bridge is probably the entrance to the Clayton Arm of the canal.
There are several barriers and Cyclists Dismount signs along this section, but all the gates are now opened, so the barriers can all be bypassed.
Under the next bridge and the path has been recently resurfaced and widened as part of the development of the football academy on the right.
The path alongside the lock 9 has into small steps
and then by lock 10 it is cobbled again.
After lock 10 the junction with the path along the old Stockport Branch is clearly signposted. NCN 60 turns off to the right at this point whilst the Ashton canal continues over the bridge which goes over the canal junction itself.
Next section going east is Ashton Canal 3 Clayton to the Fairfield Junction, going south is the Stockport Branch Canal.
View Ashton Canal 2 in a larger map
The little branch off the canal you mention, which you say might be the Clayton branch of the canal, is a branch to the former Clayton Aniline chemical works (which was where the football academy now stands). They used to have their own little barges.