Yes the place does look a lot better, but you have to look hard to find the new bike racks.
Of the pile of racks that were propped up against the ugly cabinet
a grand total of two have been installed near the Library entrance.
Yes, just two.
So what happened to the other seven?
I found four of them all the way round the other side of the building. Convenient for the town hall entrance, but I doubt people will use them when visiting the library, so people will continue locking bikes up to the tram stop railings. I went all the way round the block and could not find the other three.
I know Manchester City Council are putting together a project to put more cycle parking in the city centre, but it is really sad when an expensive scheme like this one did not include sufficient cycle parking to meet even the current demand.
Of course, one impact of this scheme was to close the cycle route across the front of the library, so one wonders if the designer hoped the bicycles would go away.
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