Sunday, 13 May 2018

Manchester City Centre Road - Cyclists Dismount...

New anti-cycling signs have appeared in the city centre - this time on a road.

Yes, it seems that Manchester City Council are quite happy to have people drive along this road, but won't tolerate cycling!

The signs are on both sides of the road.

They are on the Hardman Street, at the junction with Deansgate.

Strangely, there are no similar signs at the other end of the road...


  1. It isn't even the official, advisory, blue sign! To my mind it is pretty much the equivalent of someone shouting "get off the road" from a car.

  2. How legally binding can these signs be if they aren't the official circular "no cycling" signs?

    And yes, it's ridiculous they would try to stop people cycling in an area where you can drive at 20mph.

  3. From what I remember that bit of road is awful. Bricked not paved, the surface undulates wildly and lorries come down it looking to avoid a set of traffic lights. There's a 90 degree bend in the road that has its outside often taken up at peak times by taxis, not sure whether that's for office workers or what.

    Dismounting is not a bad idea for that road but shouldn't be mandatory. A better measure would be installing bollards at both ends and blocking the road off to all but 'thin' traffic.
