Monday, 28 December 2015

December Christical Mass

This year Critical Mass fell on Christmas Day, but that didn't stop the ride. A few of us asked if others were interested and Hannah posted the ride on Facebook which meant the ride was on.

We gathered outside the library as usual,

with a good display of seasonal lights on some bikes.

Whilst the ride was small in number

the general lack of motor traffic meant this wasn't a problem.

However, despite it being Christmas Day the new contraflow cycle lanes in Chinatown were still blocked by taxis.

It was nice to ride along Deansgate with so few cars.

However, eventually the rain set in quite hard and the remaining riders went looking for somewhere open. I'd thought the Wharf would be open, but it had closed by 5pm.

It was great to get out on a bike on Christmas Day. Always a special day for cycling, and doubly so when it is Critical Mass.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Tyldesley Loopline consultation - 11th-18th December

Salford Council is proposing to improve the entire length of Tyldesley Loopline between Roe Green Loopline in Beesley Green and where it meets the new cycleway along the guided busway at Newearth Road.

This route is in desperate need of major works. It is pretty muddy in places after rain and has steep slopes and sharp turns. You can see more details in this post Tyldesley Loopline 2, Roe Green to Ellenbrook.

A public exhibition of the plans are on display at Beesley Green Community Centre from Friday 11th December to Friday 18th December and the council will be holding a drop in session there between 4pm and 6pm on Tuesday 15th December for anyone who would like more information or to discuss any particular issues. Assuming people support the proposals, the council intends to start the advanced tree works in January/February (outside of the bird nesting season) and then carry out the main works over the summer.

More information including the feasibility drawings and consultation boards are available at:

Please support these proposals as they will make a major difference, joining together a number of good quality routes. If you are unable to attend in person contact Catriona Swanson to comment on the scheme.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Corporation Street Part 2 - heading south...

Part 1 Northbound

Heading south there is a lonely ASL at the junction with Hanover Street. No sign of a feeder cycle lane here.

Next you cross the tram tracks, not too much of a problem here as the crossing is more or less at right angles.

Then a cycle lane appears by the Coop Bank. The lane markings are ambivalent, so not sure if it is supposed to be mandatory or not. It then gets somewhat stranger,

rising to pavement level, presumably to avoid the cost of re-positioning these access covers

returning to road level as the buses swing in from Port Street. From here the cycle lane is definitely advisory, so will be blocked by taxis much of the time.

Again we get these pointless green squares

and an ASL crossing the tram tracks.

As the buses swing left there is this floating cycle lane going straight on

and onto a paved section

which terminates in this idiotic manner.

This last piece of crap design has already been posted several times on Twitter by people angry at this design. It deserves to be posted many more times.

Corporation St, Part 1 - heading north...

With the Exchange Square tram stop opening it's time to review the cycle provision along Corporation street to see if they made any improvements after a meeting held this time last year when we told Metrolink and several local councillors what we thought of their (anti-)cycling plans.

This is the view from Market Street - note the "Tram Only" and no entry signs...

This nasty kink in the kerb looks like the end of the cycle lane that was shown on the original plans.

From here you will be expected to cycle in the 1 metre gap between the kerb and rails,

and wait behind trams at the stop.

As you reach the junction there is this dreadful ASL, which is in any case not technically legal...

As you get alongside the Football Museum there is this advisory cycle lane with crap green squares and an ambulance standing by to deal with the consequences of the next section.

At the junction with Todd Street the cycle lane vanishes, but watch out for the buses that swing left into Todd Street,

and then we reach the most dangerous section. Here you are expected to cross tram lines at a very shallow angle with traffic coming up behind you.

The angle is bad on both tracks, so if the first set doesn't get you, the second one will.

Clearly TfGM/Metrolink couldn't care less...

Part 2 Southbound

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Manchester Cycle Forum, 8/12/15

The next Manchester Cycle Forum will take place on 8th December 2015 at 17:15 – 19:15 in Committee Room 4 at the Town Hall.


* Welcome and Introductions
* Minutes and matters arising from previous meetings
* Feedback from Consultative Cycle Reference Group
* Enforcement
* Cycle Training and Campaigns
* Infrastructure Update
* Report from Cycling Groups / Partner Organisations
* Any Other Business